8/22 横浜サウンドスケープトークセッション 〜川崎義博・Marcos Fernandes・岩崎佐和・中川克志・中野圭とともに〜【オンライン視聴あり】
川崎義博さん、Marcos Fernandesさん、岩崎佐和さん、中川克志さん中野圭さんを迎え、8月22日(木)夜に関内さくら通りのシェアスペース「泰生ポーチフロント」でトークセッションを開催します。
Part 1では、「音と遊ぶ 〜サウンドスケープとメディア〜」と題して川崎さんがミニ講演を行います。川崎さんが地球上の様々な場所で自然の音や、都市の音、人々の暮らしの音などをレコーディングしてきた数々のプロジェクトの話や、サウンドスケープ、サウンドアーカイブの取り組みについてお話しいただきます。
Part 2では、サウンドアーティストのMarcos Fernandesさんと、ヨコハマサウンドマッピングプロジェクトを主宰する岩崎佐和さん、音響文化論(サウンド・アート研究と音響メディア論)を専門とする横浜国立大学の中川克志さん、音と芸術を探求している大阪芸術大学芸術学部准教授の中野圭さんほかの取り組みを伺います。
Part 3では、横浜におけるサウンドプロジェクトの展望や、YPAMフリンジ参加企画についてオープンディスカッションを行います。
Part 1:ミニ講演「音と遊ぶ 〜サウンドスケープとメディア〜」 (45分)
・川崎 義博(一般社団法人サウンドアーカイブスジャパン)
Part 2:取り組み紹介 (30分)
・Marcos Fernandes
・岩崎 佐和
・中川 克志
・中野 圭
Part 3:横浜におけるサウンドスケーププロジェクトについてのディスカッション (45分)
登壇者:川崎義博、Marcos Fernandes、岩崎佐和、中川 克志ほか 進行:杉浦裕樹
主催: 横浜コミュニティデザイン・ラボ、ヨコハマサウンドマッピングプロジェクト
サウンドアーチスト/サウンドデザイナー。日本のフィールドレコーダーの草分け的存在。1990年衛星放送St.GIGAの開局と同時にプロデューサーとして、世界各地をフィールドレコーディング、番組制作多数。CD「知床」「バリ島」「トリニダードトバゴ」「奈良・吉野・高野山」「佐藤初女/母の心をすべてに」 など14作品。DVD「屋久島」の音制作なども。’97年世界で初めてのリアルタイムで世界の音が聞こえるWEBサイト「SoundExplorer」を手がけ、その後、SoundBum、AQUA-scapeなどのサイトも制作。インスタレーションは、’91年東京パーンを始めとし、日本武道館など様々な場所で展開。又、日本科学未来館、東京都写真美術館、金沢21世紀美術館(オープニング展)での世界の音の作品がある。また、日本科学未来館のプラネタリウム「MEGASTAR 」の番組を手がけ、「新しい眺め」「星野道夫/アラスカの星の下で」「偶然の惑星」世界の音を使った谷川俊太郎さんとのコラボ「夜はやさしい」なども制作。東京藝術大学、多摩美術大学などで音の表現を教え、バシェ音響彫刻の修復なども行なっている。日本サウンドスケープ協会も立ち上げから関わり活動中。
●Marcos Fernandes (マルコス・フェルナンデス)
横浜で生まれたマルコス・フェルナンデスはカリフォルニアで30年以上パフォーマー、プロデューサー、キュレーターとして過ごしました。米国、カナダ、メキシコ、ポルトガル、香港、日本の各地で ソロのインプロバイザー、シンガーソングライター、フォノグラファーとして公演し、またパーカッショニスト、サウンドアーティストとしてさまざまなアンサンブル、ダンサー、ビジュアルアーティスト達と共演してきました。フェルナンデスの作品は多数のレーベルより60点以上発表されています。
※現在、バンカートスクールの講座「音の仕組み(How Sound Works)」の講師を担当中。
●中川 克志(なかがわかつし)
●中野 圭(なかのけい)
大阪芸術大学芸術学部准教授 講義「音と芸術」、「LiveCoding」。一般財団法人よこはまクリエイティブ財団理事。シュルレアリスト、関西シュルレアリスム研究会メンバー。IRCAM Forumメンバー、PRIX Russoloボードメンバー。「鏡の国のギター」発表、特許「弦楽器」取得。IRCAM Forumで発表。世界各国で演奏。世界初演のDom Culture Center(モスクワ、2015)やMopomosoTV April 2021ジョン・ラッセル追悼企画サクラワークスセッション(ロンドン、2021)では開放的でサウンドアートの要素も感じられるものであった。AI分野でも研究活動を続けておりIODD2024横浜ではヴィジュアライゼーションのトークとともに会場のピアノを用いて、ブライアン・イーノのアンビエント曲を奏でた。
8月21日(水) 15-17 新高島駅構内「BankART Station」で意見交換
8月21日(水) 19-21 BankART School マルコス氏講義@BankART Station
8月22日(木) 22時〜24時 Listening Bar Antibody (アンチボディ)
< 横浜コミュニティデザイン・ラボ主催事業 開催予告 >
8/20 朝カフェ「cafe この前の続き」〜ゲスト:星﨑雅代さん、常光明子さん〜
8/20(火)魅力発見 ~私を惹きつける寿の人とまち~|第2回 寿・つなぐサロン@横浜市ことぶき協働スペース
8/22 横浜サウンドスケープトークセッション 〜川崎義博・Marcos Fernandes・岩崎佐和・中川克志・中野圭とともに〜【オンライン視聴あり】
以下、Google Translate による翻訳
8/22 Yokohama Soundscape Talk Session ~With Yoshihiro Kawasaki, Marcos Fernandes, Sawa Iwasaki, Katsushi Nakagawa, and Kei Nakano~
We will be hosting a hybrid talk session with Yoshihiro Kawasaki, Marcos Fernandes, Sawa Iwasaki, Katsushi Nakagawa, and Kei Nakano on the evening of Thursday, August 22nd at the shared space “Taisei Porch Front” on Kannai Sakura Street.
Kawasaki has participated in the production of programs such as St.GIGA, which opened in 1991 as the world’s first digital radio station via satellite broadcasting, and J-WAVE. Through activities such as co-producing the project “SoundBum,” which is based on the concept of a sound journey to various parts of the world, he has delivered various sounds of nature and cities to people.
In Part 1, Kawasaki will give a mini lecture titled “Playing with Sound – Soundscape and Media.” Kawasaki will talk about his various projects in which he has recorded sounds of nature, cities, and everyday life in various places around the world, as well as his efforts in soundscapes and sound archiving.
In Part 2, we will hear from sound artist Marcos Fernandes, Sawa Iwasaki, head of the Yokohama Sound Mapping Project, Katsushi Nakagawa of Yokohama National University, who specializes in acoustic culture (sound art research and acoustic media theory), and Kei Nakano, an associate professor at the Faculty of Arts at Osaka University of Arts who is exploring sound and art, among others.
In Part 3, we will have an open discussion about the outlook for sound projects in Yokohama and plans to participate in the YPAM Fringe.
Part 1: Mini lecture “Playing with sound – Soundscape and media” (45 min)
・Yoshihiro Kawasaki (Sound Archives Japan)
Part 2: Introduction to the project (30 min)
・Marcos Fernandes
・Sawa Iwasaki
・Katsushi Nakagawa
・Kei Nakano
・Visitor pitch
Part 3: Discussion on sound projects in Yokohama (45 min)
~What kind of projects are unique to Yokohama? , YPAM Fringe Participation Project ~
Speakers: Yoshihiro Kawasaki, Marcos Fernandes, Sawa Iwasaki, Katsushi Nakagawa, and others Moderator: Hiroki Sugiura
<Event Summary>
Venue: Taisei Porch Front (2 Aioi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama) https://taisei-po-chi.taiyusha.co.jp/
Date and Time: Thursday, August 22nd, 7pm-9pm
Participation Fee: 1000 yen (includes welcome drink), 500 yen (online viewing)
Organizers: Yokohama Community Design Lab, Yokohama Sound Mapping Project
Participation Application: peatix, facebook event, email
*Streamed on ZOOM or youtube live
*BAR corner will be operated at the counter of Taisei Porch Front
Speaker Profile
●Yoshihiro Kawasaki
Sound artist/sound designer. A pioneer of field recorders in Japan. In 1990, he started working as a producer on the satellite broadcasting station St.GIGA, and has been making field recordings around the world and producing many programs. He has produced 14 CDs, including “Shiretoko,” “Bali,” “Trinidad and Tobago,” “Nara, Yoshino, Koyasan,” and “Sato Hatsume/Mother’s Heart to Everything.” He has also produced the sound for the DVD “Yakushima.” In 1997, he created the world’s first real-time website, “SoundExplorer,” and subsequently created sites such as SoundBum and AQUA-scape. He has created installations at various locations, including the Tokyo Pan in 1991, the Nippon Budokan, and other venues. He has also produced works using sounds from around the world at the Miraikan, the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, and the Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art (opening exhibition). He has also produced programs for the planetarium “MEGASTAR” at the Miraikan, including “A New View,” “Michio Hoshino/Under the Stars of Alaska,” “Come-Around Planet,” and “The Night is Gentle,” a collaboration with Shuntaro Tanikawa that uses sounds from around the world. He teaches sound expression at Tokyo University of the Arts and Tama Art University, and has also restored Baschet sound sculptures. He has also been involved with the Japan Soundscape Association since its inception.
●Marcos Fernandes
Born in Yokohama, Marcos Fernandes spent over 30 years in California as a performer, producer, and curator. He has performed as a solo improviser, singer-songwriter, and phonographer in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Portugal, Hong Kong, and Japan, and has also collaborated with various ensembles, dancers, and visual artists as a percussionist and sound artist. Over 60 of Fernandes’ works have been released by various labels.
*Currently, he is a lecturer in the “How Sound Works” course at the Bankert School.
●Iwasaki Sawa
An artist born in Yokohama City. Until 2019, she was a molecular developmental biology researcher and discovered a gene important for the formation of the body axis during the development of spider embryos. Since 2020, she has been based in Yokohama and has focused on community art activities in collaboration with local residents. She is the organizer of the “Machinaka Tachiyori Gakudan” and the “Yokohama Sound Mapping Project”. She also works as a trombonist and is involved in a variety of activities, including planning and hosting workshops and performances that combine biology and art. She participated as a trombonist in the performance of Shibusa Shirazu at the Kotobuki Free Concert on August 14th.
※Yokohama Sound Mapping Project
●Nakagawa Katsushi
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Urban Innovation, Yokohama National University. Sound art or sound studies researcher. Researches what is broadly called “sound art” in Europe, America, Japan, and Asia. Also studies popular music and acoustic media theory. Born in 1975. PhD (literature). Nakagawa Katsushi, “What is Sound Art?” (Nakanishiya Publishing, 2023), Nakagawa Katsushi et al., “History of Acoustic Media” (Nakanishiya Publishing, 2015), etc. Co-translated works include Jonathan Stern’s Audible Past: The Cultural Origins of Acoustic Reproduction (Inscript, 2015). Recently, I have been struggling to launch a soundwalking project for my classes at Yokohama National University.
●Kei Nakano
Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, Osaka University of Arts. Lectures: “Sound and Art” and “LiveCoding”. Director of the Yokohama Creative Foundation. Surrealist, member of the Kansai Surrealist Research Group. Member of the IRCAM Forum, board member of PRIX Russolo. Released “Looking Glass Guitar” and obtained a patent for “stringed instrument”. Released at the IRCAM Forum. Performed in various countries around the world. The world premiere at Dom Culture Center (Moscow, 2015) and MopomosoTV April 2021 John Russell Memorial Project Sakura Works Sessions (London, 2021) were open and had elements of sound art. He continues to conduct research in the field of AI, and at IODD2024 Yokohama, he played Brian Eno’s ambient music on the venue’s piano while giving a talk on visualization.
researchmap: Kei Nakano
YPAM Fringe
YPAM Fringe is a performing arts festival held during the YPAM period that is open to participation. You can register your own performance and approach people involved in the performing arts industry and general visitors from Japan and abroad. Last time (December 2023), 52 artists/companies performed 38 performances and 160 performances, attracting a total of more than 10,000 spectators. In this project, we are currently planning and entering a performance that focuses on soundscape and the body in Yokohama City from Tuesday, December 10th to Sunday, December 15th, 2024.
August 21 (Wed) 15-17 Exchange of opinions at “BankART Station” inside Shin-Takashima Station
・Participants: Nick, Marcos, Kawasaki, Iwasaki Sawa, Sugiura
August 21 (Wed) 19-21 Lecture by Marcos at BankART School @BankART Station
・Participants: Kawasaki, Iwasaki Sawa, Sugiura
August 22 (Thu) 22:00-24:00 Listening Bar Antibody
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